Thursday, May 17, 2012

What She Said In Northgull

If you are reading this, then you have obviously found the bones of Charlotte King Gacy. My name is Alex R. Gacy and on august third of 2011 I raped and murdered my wife of six years.

It had been raining the past few weeks. Weather like this was unheard of in Northgull. My wife Charlotte, was upset with my drinking, and I was upset with her cheating. We had been married for six years, and the last five were spent with us fighting, she would go out one night and I wouldn’t see her for days. I drank a lot, She didn’t like that. We rarely slept in the same room, I usually blacked out on the couch, and if I didn’t, she insisted I slept on the floor, if I refused, she took the couch. It had been more then two years since we slept in the same bed, it had been four years since we last had sex, I don’t know why she stayed around, I know that I loved her, I really did.
I wanted to fuck, but I was drunk. She was never willing when I was this drunk, and the last time I wasn’t this drunk, was four years ago. We had our usual night, I sat on the couch for a few hours drinking while she was out fucking, she came home, I yelled, she yelled, she slammed the bedroom door, I sat on the couch and kept drinking. But something happened in my head, I’m not sure what, I stood up, vodka in hand, walked to the door and started knocking on it. After a few minutes I started banging on the door and screaming, I can’t actually remember what I was yelling, she yelled back, I couldn’t make it out. She opened the door and before she could even say anything I reached in and grabbed her, I shoved her against the wall and kissed her violently, she pushed me away, shut the door and quickly locked it. I did the only thing I could, I started slamming my fists into the door.


I walked into the garage and got a hammer. On my way back I took a piss. I heard the garage door open, I ran to the garage and she was standing there with a knife in hand, telling me to back away. “babe, what it is this?” she kept telling me to back away, “honey, I’m sorry, I just. . . I just need—“
“stay away from me, I’m leaving, I can’t deal with this shit.”
“oh and you think I can? You think I like sleeping on the fuckin’ couch?”
“you sleep on the couch ‘cause you’re a drunk asshole.”
“I drink because you’re out fuckin all night.”
“burn in hell Gacy.”
“Oh, you want me to burn in hell? You want me to burn—“
“Yeah, I want you to fucking burn—stay away from me” I was walking towards her, hammer still in hand. “drop the fucking hammer Gacy. Stay away, stay the hell away from me.” She jumped into her car and locked the door. Started it up, I saw her mouth say I’m not coming back. I dropped the hammer. Walked to the window and tapped on it. “roll it down babe, please.” She cracked it, “honey, please, can’t we talk about this? Please. Don’t go, I’m sorry, I lost it.” She turned the car off, “I don’t love you anymore.”
“babe,” I found that I had started crying “please, don’t say that.”
“I’m not coming back this time.” She was speaking calmly, she wasn’t crying, she looked happy.
“don’t say something you can’t take back.”
I turned around as she backed up, I picked the hammer up, “that’s my fucking car.” I threw the hammer at the window, the smash was louder then her scream, I unlocked the door and grabbed her by the hair. “we’re gonna talk about this, now get out of the fuckin’ car and walk inside the house or this hammer is gonna be smashing your head, instead of my windows.”
She was sitting on the couch, now, she was crying. She kept saying I’m sorry, over and over again, crying into her hands, begging me to not touch her. “I’m not gonna fuckin’ touch you. Just tell me what the hell is going on.”
“what do you mean?”
“What do I mean? What the fuck do you think I mean? Where the fuck are you going? Who ya gonna fuck tonight huh?” She just sat there completely silent “HUH?"

“let me go.”
“not till you tell me what the fuck is goin’ on here.”
“What? Jake who?” She just sat there, with this look of, you know exactly who Jake is. “Jake? Jake, again? What the hell? What the fuckin’ hell. I thought you were done with that asshole?”

“I love him.”

“No. No, you don’t, don’t give me that shit, you know you don’t love him. You love me. You know you do, you wouldn’t have dealt with all my shit this long if you didn’t love me.” She just sat there, everything was silent, then she asked me if I had been paying attention to my bank accounts, I hadn’t checked in years. “Jake and I have been stealing money.”
“I said Jake and I have been stealing your money.”

“What? What the fuck? You mean you haven’t just been fucking Jake for the last two years, but you’ve been stealing my fuckin’ money for him?”

“You don’t even deserve that money. You know you don’t deserve that money. We both know you killed your dad—“ I started screaming at her to stop talking, she wouldn’t listen, she never listened. “and sold his fucking company. You don’t deserve that money. I’ve stuck around long enough to take it, and I’m gonna sue you for the rest.” I jumped at her, this time, I grabbed her by the throat.

“Shut. The fuck. Up.” I grabbed her hair and threw her body onto the ground, her head hit the coffee table on the way down. I dragged her unconcious body to the bedroom and tied her to the bed. I went out to the garage and picked up the knife, she was just coming to when I walked back into the room. I sat on the bed and asked her if there was anything she would like to tell me, she just layed there trying to escape and then she really started crying. Oh the things I would do to this bitch.
I lunged on top and jabbed my thumb into her throat, I put the knife against her throat—I have to say that her fear really got me going—I unzipped and slid in, I began pumping violently. She started to SCREAM, but her words sat burning in her throat, they sounded like they were coming through cottage cheese. I tightened my grip around her throat. I heard her neck snap as I came. I looked at her eyes just staring off to nothing, and slapped her, I started beating her body, I started stabbing her lifeless body and fucking the holes. I dragged her body by the hair to the car, Drove up into the great mountains of the northwest. Standing over the hole, in jeans and a white and black flannel, my bare feet touching the muddy ground, I wrote this manifesto, placed it inside a bottle of extra dry gin, jammed it down her throat  and buried her.